Drafted Cardinals
Name (College). Round/Year Drafted and Major League Team
James Alfonso (University of Hartford), 30th-round, 2014. Los Angeles Angels
Travis Alston (Samford University), Free Agent, 1999. Philadelphia Phillies
Justin Anderson (University of Texas-San Antonio), 12th-round, 2014. St. Louis Cardinals
Jonathan Arnold (Flagler College), 30th-round, 2012. Milwaukee Brewers
Luis Arrizurieta (Barry University), Free Agent, 2013. New York Mets
Dana Arrowood (Old Dominion University), 38th-round, 2006. Detroit Tigers
Zach Baldwin (West Virginia State University), 31st-round, 2006. Washington Nationals
Trey Barham (Virginia Military Institute), 25th-round, 2008. Oakland Athletics
BJ Benik (Seton Hall University), 23rd-round, 2001. Chicago Cubs
Ryan Bergh (Old Dominion University), 26th-round, 2008. Philadelphia Phillies
LJ Biernbaum (Florida Atlantic University), 10th-round, 2002. San Diego Padres
Byron Binda (Coastal Carolina University), 19th-round, 2005. Colorado Rockies
Hunter Bledsoe (Vanderbilt University), Free Agent, 1998. Los Angeles Dodgers
Tyler Bortnick (Coastal Carolina University), 16th-round, 2009. Arizona Diamondbacks
John Cody Bunch (Trinity University), Free Agent, 1999. Texas Rangers
James Burok (Old Dominion University), 8th-round, 2005. Colorado Rockies
JC Cardenas (Barry University), 6th-round, 2015. Toronto Blue Jays
Zachary Clark, 19th-round, 2016. Milwaukee Brewers
Brandon Culp (Jacksonville State University), 43rd-round, 1998. Tampa Bay Rays
Harrison Conney (Florida Gulf Coast University), 6th-round, 2013. Los Angeles Angels
Brandon Cornwell (James Madison University), 32nd-round, 2001. Texas Rangers
Garrett Cortright (Canisius College), 40th-round. Baltimore Orioles
Wes Cox (University of Texas-San Antonio), Free Agent, 2014. Milwaukee Brewers
Tommy Darrell (Garrett Community College), 27th-round, 1995. California Angels
Gregg Davies (Towson University), 21st-round, 2002. Baltimore Orioles
Jordan Delorenzo (University of West Florida), 12th-round, 2014. St. Louis Cardinals
Phil Disher (University of South Carolina), 15th-round, 2008. Houston Astros
Brad Edwards (Indiana University), 16th-round, 2001. Baltimore Orioles
Shawn Fagan (Penn State University), 13th-round, 2000. Toronto Blue Jays
Jon Fitzsimmons (Canisius College), Free Agent, 2013. Kansas City Royals
Jeff Garber (James Madison University), 10th-round, 1988. Kansas City Royals
Kevin Gergel (Kennesaw State University), 24th-round, 2005. Seattle Mariners
Blake Gill (Louisiana State University), 37th-round, 2004. Cleveland Indians
Garrett Groce (Georgia Tech), 41st-round, 2005. Tampa Bay Rays
Riley Good (University of Texas-San Antonio), 14th-round, 2013. Los Angeles Angels
Chris Goodman (Georgia Tech), 5th-round, 2003. Kansas City Royals
Jose Gomez (St. Thomas University), 39th-round, 2016. Milwaukee Brewers
Trevor Graham (Franklin Pierce University), 13th-round, 2013. Chicago Cubs
Tim Harrell (Liberty University), 20th-round, 1998. Los Angeles Dodgers
Dee Hayes (Delta State University), Free Agent, 2000. St. Louis Cardinals
Matt Herring (Georgia Southern University), 11th-round, 2002. Chicago White Sox
Sean Jamieson (Canisius College), 17th-round, 2011. Oakland Athletics
Jake Johansen (Dallas Baptist University), 2nd-round, 2013. Washington Nationals
Jordan Karnofsky (University of California), 48th-round, 2003. Cleveland Indians
Mike Lockhart (Clemson), Free Agent, 1992. Cleveland Indians
Keegan Long (St. Joseph’s College), 29th-round, 2015. Arizona Diamondbacks
Logan Longwith (Tennessee Wesleyan College), 20th-round, 2015. Detroit Tigers
Mike Loree (Villanova University), 50th-round, 2007. San Francisco Giants
Derrick Lutz (George Washington University), 19th-round, 2006. Cincinnati Reds
JP Martinez (University of New Orleans), 9th-round, 2004. Minnesota Twins
John Massarella (University of Akron), 8th-round, 1987. Houston Astros
Jeff McAvoy (University of Mississippi and Western Carolina), Free Agent, 1997. Montreal Expos
Chris McCuiston (Michigan State University), 31st-round, 2002. Detroit Tigers
Brian McCullen (East Carolina University), 38th-round, 2006. Pittsburgh Pirates
Steve McQuail (Canisius College), 30th-round, 2010. Toronto Blue Jays
Bill Meury (University of Maryland), 41st-round, 1989. St. Louis Cardinals
Dave Molidor (University of California-Santa Barbara), 14th-round, 2001. Cincinnati Reds
Marc Mumper (Grand Canyon University), 37th-round, 2015. Colorado Rockies
Patrick Nichols (Old Dominion University), 16th-round, 2006. Washington Nationals
Rob Nixon (Adelphi University), 46th-round, 2011. Cleveland Indians
Ryan Norwood (East Carolina University), 9th-round, 2004. Chicago Cubs
Matt Oxendine (University of North Florida), 15th-round, 2006. Arizona Diamondbacks
Isaac Pavlik (Seton Hall University), 10th-round, 2002. Colorado Rockies
John Poppert (East Carolina University), 17th-round, 2004. Washington Nationals
Stuart Pudenz (Dallas Baptist University), 13th-round, 2012. Oakland Athletics
John Raffo (Florida Atlantic University), 27th-round, 2000. New York Mets
Ray Redden (Kennesaw State University), Free Agent, 2007. Atlanta Braves
James Roche (Franklin Pierce University), Free Agent, 2012. New York Mets
Zack Roper (Florida Atlantic University), 27th-round, 2000. Anaheim Angels
Tim Schilling (Elon University), 15th-round, 2000. Florida Marlins
Brett Sellers (James Madison University), Free Agent, 2008. Washington Nationals
Jared Simon (University of Tampa), 6th-round, 2010. Colorado Rockies
Nicholas Sinay (University of Buffalo), 22nd-round, 2015. Toronto Blue Jays
Michael Smith (University of Richmond), 16th-round, 2002. Detroit Tigers
Buddy Sonoskie (Virginia Tech), 25th-round, 2010. Kansas City Royals
Jemel Spearman (Georgia Southern University), 16th-round, 2002. Chicago Cubs
Shawn Tarkington (Seton Hall University), 37th-round, 2001. Minnesota Twins
Clifton Turner (Community College of Baltimore County-Cantonsville), 49th-round, 2004. Baltimore Orioles
Cody Yount (Virginia Commonwealth University), 40th-round, 2013. Chicago White Sox
Jon Uhl (University of South Florida), 19th-round, 2002. Minnesota Twins
Tyler Vanderheiden (Samford University), 19th-round, 2012. New York Mets
Chris Vasami (Elon University), 39th-round, 2007. Colorado Rockies
Paul Viole (Seton Hall University), 12th-round, 1999. New York Mets
Eric VonShell (University of California-Santa Barbara) 15th-round, 2001. San Francisco Giants
Nick Wandless (University of South Carolina-Aiken), 36th-round, 2006. Cincinnati Reds
Ryan Watson (Auburn University), 39th-round, 2016. Los Angeles Dodgers
Mike Wenner (Rider University), 11th-round, 1999. Oakland Athletics
Ryan Withey (Florida Atlantic University), 24th-round, 2000. Anaheim Angels
Ed Yacopino (University of Louisiana at Lafayette), Free Agent, 1987. Pittsburgh Pirates